2007-10-16 22:51:38 UTC
I am very new to C#. I need to create a Windows form that will read a
SQL table and populate a treeview. I can connect to the DB, create
the dataadapter, populate a data set. The problem is how to use the
dataset to populate a treeview.
I have looked at a few examples but none use a dataset, or the
data structure was different and I could not modify to work with my
data or the examples were more than I needed and too complex for a
beginner. Can some one suggest a URL, book or show me an example of
code that simply takes the data as shown and populates a treeview.
I would really appreciate the help.
Thank you.
I have a SQL Server 2005 table containing this data shown below.
Child Parent depth Hierachy
1 NULL 0 01
2 1 1 01.02
5 2 2 01.02.05
6 2 2 01.02.06
3 1 1 01.03
7 3 2 01.03.07
11 7 3
14 11 4
12 7 3
13 7 3
8 3 2 01.03.08
9 3 2 01.03.09
4 1 1 01.04
10 4 2 01.04.10
15 NULL 0 15
15 15 1 15.15
16 15 1 15.16
18 16 2 15.16.18
17 15 1 15.17
SQL table and populate a treeview. I can connect to the DB, create
the dataadapter, populate a data set. The problem is how to use the
dataset to populate a treeview.
I have looked at a few examples but none use a dataset, or the
data structure was different and I could not modify to work with my
data or the examples were more than I needed and too complex for a
beginner. Can some one suggest a URL, book or show me an example of
code that simply takes the data as shown and populates a treeview.
I would really appreciate the help.
Thank you.
I have a SQL Server 2005 table containing this data shown below.
Child Parent depth Hierachy
1 NULL 0 01
2 1 1 01.02
5 2 2 01.02.05
6 2 2 01.02.06
3 1 1 01.03
7 3 2 01.03.07
11 7 3
14 11 4
12 7 3
13 7 3
8 3 2 01.03.08
9 3 2 01.03.09
4 1 1 01.04
10 4 2 01.04.10
15 NULL 0 15
15 15 1 15.15
16 15 1 15.16
18 16 2 15.16.18
17 15 1 15.17