(too old to reply)
David McCallum
2007-06-04 05:58:07 UTC
I have a panel on a form when I set panle.Enabled to false, all the panels
child controls are disabled, as expected.

Is there anyway to override this for one component (actual a list of phone
number. The user will want to be able to scroll through them)


David McCallum
2007-06-07 08:03:51 UTC
Can you be specific on how will you design the components? what do you
mean scroll? it has a scrollbar? it's possible and you have to
interact with the services exposed by the IDE
On Jun 4, 1:58 pm, "David McCallum"
Post by David McCallum
I have a panel on a form when I set panle.Enabled to false, all the panels
child controls are disabled, as expected.
Is there anyway to override this for one component (actual a list of phone
number. The user will want to be able to scroll through them)
David McCallum
David McCallum
2007-06-07 19:07:13 UTC
Post by jokiz
Can you be specific on how will you design the components? what do you
mean scroll? it has a scrollbar? it's possible and you have to
interact with the services exposed by the IDE
The panel has three text fields, name, address and details. It also has a
list. This may contain none or more phone numbers, so it could have a scroll
bar. There are also buttons that allow the user to add/edit/delete a phone

When the user elects to edit a record, all the controls are enabled. When he
confirms or cancel his edits, all controls will be disabled.

That is except, I don;t want to disable the list as the user would want to
review the phone numbers without gong into edit mode.

Hope this helps.

