Hi Rip,
When a form is opened in the designer, an instance of the base form, if
any, is created first(thus, the base form's default constructor is called).
Next the base form's Load event handler is called, if any. At last the
inherited form's InitializeComponent method is called.
I get the error message "Duplicate component name
'iDDataGridViewTextBoxColumn'. Component names must be unique and
The 'iDDataGridViewTextBoxColumn' seems to be the name of a
DataGridViewColumn. It seems that you're trying to add two
DataGridViewColumns with the same name into the DataGridView.
I suggest that you check the above 3 paragraphes of code, i.e. base form's
constructor and Load event handler and the inherited form's
InitializeComponent method to find out the lines of code that cause the
To check a paragraph of code, you may comment out all the lines of
statements first and build the project if the code is in the base form.
Open the form in the designer to see if it can be opened properly. If yes,
uncomment some of the lines of statements and build the project, if
necessary, and then reopen the form to see if it can be opened correctly.
Repeat the above steps, until you find the lines of code that cause the
problem. Then you could correct the lines of code to solve the problem.
Alternatively, you could debug code at design time. There's a walkthrough
in MSDN for this topic. You may visit the following link for the detail
"Walkthrough: Debugging Custom Windows Forms Controls at Design Time"
Hope this helps.
If you have anything unclear, please feel free to let me know.
Linda Liu
Microsoft Online Community Support
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