Well, here's what I would like to do -- maybe there's a different way.
I have two properties for a custom control that need to affect each other,
so I need to be able to trap when each property change. So if my Value
property changes, I need to do something to my Text property and vice versa.
Right now, I don't see the change in the grid until I've clicked on the other
property -- e.g., if the Value property changes, the Text property doesn't
change in the property pane, but when I click on the Text property, it
changes (without me doing anything else).
Any ideas? (BTW, I'm cross-posting this to
Thanks for any help,
Post by G HimangiAFAIK, accessing the propertygrid instance used by VS.Net is not possible
- G Himangi, Sky Software http://www.ssware.com
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Post by mobilemobileI'm not even sure if this is possible, but is there a way to access the
PropertyGrid in design-time -- how to access the grid in the property pane in
the VS IDE?
I want to use the PropertyValueChanged event in design-time -- I can use it
in runtime of course if I create a form with the PropertyGrid control on it.
Thanks for any help,